
Texas Living: 5 Things to Keep in Mind

Texas is an amazing place to live and work. 

A lot of people think of it as the home-state for barbecue, live music (Austin City Limits), and the Alamo. 

But there’s also so much more to the state than all of those things (though we do also love those things). 

And if you’re thinking of moving into the lone star state, then there are a few details that you should keep in mind. 

They say that everything is bigger in Texas—and they’re right. 

The hats, the armadillos, the deer, the open Texas sky—it’s all bigger. 

And hey—generally, bigger usually means better, right?

But it’s still important to do your research—to make sure that it’s the appropriate place for you, your family, your business, etc. 

(You’ve got to crunch those numbers!)

So in this post, we’re going to dive into it and break it down. Let’s take a close look at exactly what the lone star state has to offer newcomers and ‘veteran Texans’ alike. 

1. The Job Market Is Pretty Good

According to statistics, the Texas job market is actually pretty good. 

This is great news if you either want to start a business or get a job. 

As of May of 2022, they added 62,800 total jobs in April of 2022—and that’s pretty impressive. 

The Texas economy is showing every sign of being as strong as ever. So if you’re hoping to move into the state and get a lucrative job in the workforce, you’ll likely be in luck! 

2. It’s Hot

If you’re more of a ‘cool weather kind of person, Texas probably isn’t the state for you. 

The good news is that temperatures rarely surge above 96 degrees. 

The bad news (for those cold-weather people) is that they rarely dip below freezing. 

Texas also boasts its own fair share of tornadoes, and it comes with some hurricane risk. 

But the upside to all of this is that you can pretty much go camping and enjoy the outdoors all year round. 

This is great news if you tend to love living more of that ‘outdoor life.’ Texas is pretty well known for being a great place for outdoor adventure. 

3. Recreational Cannabis Is Still Illegal

You won’t be able to ‘spark up’ any of that legal cannabis in Texas, though you can get a certain amount of it (at a certain potency) for medical purposes. 

But for that, you’ll need to get a medical marijuana card. 

If you want to do this quickly and easily, the best way is to visit the Veriheal website. They can set you up with a card online, right away—and you won’t even have to jump through any ‘hoops’ to start enjoying nature’s greatest green herb in true Texas fashion. 

4. It’s An Awesome Place To Enjoy Nature

One amazing thing about Texas is that there’s a lot of room to explore and enjoy nature. 

There are over 640,000 acres of land that are either owned or leased by the Texas Parks & Wildlife Department—and these make up 89 different state parks. 

There’s hunting, camping, fishing, hiking, climbing, biking, horseback riding, canoeing, etc. 

The sky is truly the limit in the great state of Texas. 

5. It’s Surprisingly Affordable To Live There

Overall, Texas is cheaper than the U.S. average in terms of the overall cost of living. They also get high marks for having lower than average grocery costs, healthcare costs, and housing costs. 

In fact, according to many statistics, Texas is one of the best places to live if you’re looking for an overall lower cost of living. 

Plus, they take their freedom pretty seriously in Texas. If you tend to lean more toward the conservative or libertarian side of things, then you’ll probably feel right at home with the rest of those ‘Texan folks!’


There you have it! 

5 things that are important to keep in mind if you’re thinking about moving to Texas. 

Here’s the real truth of the matter—Texas offers a lot of opportunity for success, life adventure, nature, and fun. 

And if you’re interested in making a change, then you may just be in luck. Texas may very well be the type of place that’s worth paying a bit more attention to! 

Sophia Jennifer

I'm Sophia Jennifer from the United States working in social media marketing It is very graceful work and I'm very interested in this work.

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